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Southern Guadeloupe including Marie-Galante and Les Saintes
Tagrin Point to Pepel
Entrance to Sierra Leone River
Plans on the East Coast of Ireland
Republic of South Africa – East Coast, Durban Harbour
Baia de Maputo
Porto de Maputo
Mexico – West Coast, Puerto Lazaro Cardens and Approaches
Mexico – West Coast, Acapulco and Approaches
Ponta da Cafumbila to Matadi
Angola and Congo (Democratic Republic), Entrance to River Congo
Angola, Port of Soyo and Appoaches
Africa – East Coast, Tanzania, Approaches to Kilwa Kisiwani Harbour
Central America – East Coast, Isla de Guanaja to Isla Cozumel inc. The Gulf of Honduras
Approaches to Tanga
Approaches to Zanzibar
Port Mombasa including Port Kilindini and Port Reitz
Lamu- Manda and Pate Bays and Approaches
Admiralty Chart 669 Approaches to Lamu Port
India – West Coast – Ports in the Gulf of Kutch
Outer Approaches to Muqdisho and Marka Anchorage
Approaches to Dar es Salaam
Red Sea, Harbours and Anchorages on the Coast of Sudan
Ile aux Nattes to Tamatave
Admiralty Chart 680 – Croatia, Dubrovnik
Africa – East Coast, Tanzania, Lindi Bay
Banana Islands to Turtle Islands
Yelibuya Sound to Banana Islands