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Malden Island to Iles De La Societe
Tahiti to Iles Marquises
Mururoa to Ducie Island
De L`Archipel Des Tuamotu Aux Iles Australes
Southern Cook Islands to Iles de la Societe and Iles Australes
Indian Ocean, Port Elizabeth to Mauritius
Admiralty Chart 4701 Maputo to Muqdisho (Mogadiscio)
Admiralty Chart 4702 Chagos Archipelago to Madagasikara
Gulf of Aden to the Maldives and Seychelles Group
Red Sea
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
Maldives to Sumatera
Australia – West Coast
Australia- South Coast
Cape Leeuwin to Southeast Indian Ridge
Ile Amsterdam to Iles Kerguelen
Iles Crozet to Prince Edward Islands
Indian Ocean, Ile de la Reunion to Ile Saint-Paul
Cocos (Keeling) Islands to Ile Saint-Paul
Adele Island to Dampier inc. adjacent waters
Australia – North West Coast, Java to North West Cape
Canada, Quebec, Newfoundland & Labrador, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Point Amour to Cape Whittle & Cape St George
Cape Race to/ A Cape Freels
Saint-Pierre To / A St John’s
Motion Bay to/a Cape St Francis
Harbours on the North Coast of Spain
Replaces 1113 & 1171
Ports on the North Coast of Spain
Replaces Chart 1122