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Sibuyan Sea to Ticao Pass
4488 Philippine Islands Tayabas Bay to Burias Pass incl. Ragay Gulf
Romblon Passage to Tayabas Bay Including Tablas Strait
Philippine Islands, Verde Island Passage
Manila Bay and Approaches
Subic Bay to Dasol Bay
Philippine Islands, Mindamao, Davao Gulf
Philippine Islands, Mindanao – South East Coast, Lambajon Point to Cape San Agustin
Philippine Islands, Mindanao – East Coast, Arangasa Island to Lambajon Point
Philippine Islands, Mndanao – North East Coast, Siargao Island to Arangasa Island
Philippine Islands – Mindanao – West Coast, Sibuco Bay to Coronado Bay
Philippine Islands – Mindanao and Negros, Dalunguin Point to Blanca Point
International Chart Series, Antarctica – Graham Land, Crystal Sound to Pendleton Strait
Mariana Islands to the Gilbert Group (Kiribati)
Philippine Islands to Bismark Archipelago
South China Sea
Western Portion of Japan
Eastern Portion of Japan
Northern Portion of Japan
Sea of Okhotsk
North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands to Minami – Tori Shima
Mys Lopatka to the Chinook Trough
New Zealand including Norfolk and Campbell Island
Tasman Sea
Tasman and Coral Seas Australia to Northern New Zealandand Fiji
Australia North Coast and Adjacent Waters
Coral and Solomon Seas and Adjacent Seas
New Zealand to Fiji and Samao Islands