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Passages Between Turks & Caicos Islands and Dominican Republic
North East Providence Channel and Tongue of the Ocean
Crooked Island Passage and Exuma Sound
Caicos Passage and Mayaguana Passage
Kruenggeukueh and Blanglancang to Ujung Peureula
Ujung Peureula to Teluk Aru
Teluk Aru to Kualatanjung
Indonesia, East Coast of Halmahera and the Adjacent Islands
Indonesia, North West Papua and Adjancent Islands
Admiralty Chart 3924 Tanjung Memori to Tanjung Rainbawi
Indonesia, Papua – North Coast, Tanjung Rainbawi to Jayapura
Korea – West Coast, Approaches to Mokp’o
Black Sea – Turkey, Northern Approaches to Istanbul Bogazi (The Bosporus)
Philippines, Luzon – West Coast, Approaches to Manila including Cavite Harbour
Philippines, Luzon – West Coast, Manila Harbour
Selat Bengkalis and Selat Rupat
Windward Passage and Southern Approaches
Approaches to Jamaica
Ports in Kepulauan Riau
China – Gulf of Tonkin, Fangcheng Gang
Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) Traffic Separation Scheme
Thailand – West Coast, Mu Ko Similan to Ko Lanta Yai
Thailand – West Coast, Ko Lanta Yai to Ko Tarutao
Ko Tarutao to Pulau Pinang
Pulau Pinang to Kepulauan Sembilan
Kepulauan Sembilan to Port Kelang including Pandang and Kepulauan Aruah
Admiralty Chart 3946 Malacca Strait Pelabuhan Klang to Melaka