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Baie de Canala to Passe du Cap Bayes
South China Sea – Dnya Wan and Approaches to Huizhou
South China Sea, Macao to Hong Kong
Admiralty Chart 343 China South Coast Zhujiana Kou
Shanban Zhou to Nizhou Tou
China – Zhu Jiang, Huangpu to Guangzhou Shi
Admiralty Chart 348 Chiwan Gangqu to Dachanwan Gangqu
Kyongnyolbi Yolto to Taech’ong Gundo
West Indies, Ports and Anchorages on the South Coast of Jamaica
Bo Hai and Northern Part of the Yellow Sea
Western Approaches to Jamaica
China – Yellow Sea, Chengshan Jiao to Laotieshan Xijiao
Eastern Approaches to Jamaica
China – Yellow Sea, Qingdao to Chengshan Jiao
Montserrat and Barbuda
China East Coast, Liaodong Wan
Mediterranean Sea, Algeria, Cap Corbelin to Cap Takouch
Bangladesh – Approaches to Chittagong
Iran, Jazireh-ye Khark and Approaches
El `Aqaba to Duba and Ports on the Coast of Saudi Arabia
Lianyun Gang to Qingdao Gang
Approaches to Cebu Harbour
Cebu-East Coast,Cebu Harbour
Approaches to Jizan
Plans of the Santa Cruz and Adjacent Islands