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Africa – West Coast Ports and Anchorages in Togo and Benin
Southern Approaches to Port Blair including Duncan Passage
Outer Approaches To Puerto Cristobal
Scotland – West Coast, Loch Ryan
Chart 1405 Norway West Coast Eldfisk Oil Field to Boknafjorden
Replaces 275,281,286,2672
North Sea, Dover and Calais to Orford Ness and Scheveningen
Scotland and England – East Coast, Montrose to Berwick-upon-Tweed
North Sea, Harwich and Rotterdam to Cromer and Terschelling
Buckie to Arbroath
Saint George’s Channel
Irish Sea Western Part
Approaches to Holyhead
Dublin Bay
Italy – South Coast, Approaches to Taranto
Coco Channel and Northern Approaches to Port Blair
Selat Sele
Admiralty Chart 1422 North Sea Esbjerg to Hanstholm
Ports on the South and West Coasts of Corse
Ports on the North and East Coasts of Corse
Croatia and Slovenia, Luka Mali Losinj and Ports and Harbours on the Coast of Istra
Norway – West Coast, Stavanger to Floro
Replaces 286,288,299,2291,2672,2673
International Chart Series, Norway – West Coast, Floro to Smola
Replaces 2305,2306,2674
International Chart Series, Norway – West Coast, Smola to Sklinna
Replaces 2306,2307,2308
International Chart Series, Norway – West Coast, Skilinna to Tennholmen
Replaces 2308 & 2310
Republic of Ireland – East Coasdt, Drogheda and Dundalk
Harbours on the East Coast of Scotland