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England – East Coast, River Tyne to River Tees
Tanjong Sepat to Port Dickson
China – East Coast, Luchaogang to Zhapu
China – E. Coast, Qiqu Liedao, Yangshan Deep Water Port
Chart 1146 Malaysia Approaches to Pelabuhan Kuala Sungai Linggi
England – West Coast, Pendeen to Trevose Head
England – West Coast, Isles of Scilly to Land’s End
Dodman Point to Looe Bay
France – South Coast, Port of Marseille
Spain – North Coast, Santander
Chart 145 Morocco North Coast Ports of Tanger Med and Ksar-es-Srhir
Scotland – East Coast, Aberdeen Harbour Berths
Cabo Roxo to Monrovia
Plans on the South Coast of Cornwall
Providing coverage of the approaches to Pelabuhan Sungai Udang and Melaka.
Admiralty Chart 1142 Spain North Coast Ria de Aviles
Strait of Gibraltar
Jazirat at Ta’ir to Bab el Mandeb
Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar
Korea – West Coast, Mokpo
Korea – West Coast, Gunsan Hang and Approaches
Chart 1009 Gulf of Bothnia Sweden East Coast Approaches to Lulea
Gulf of Bothnia, Sweden ? East Coast, Lule?
Addoo Atoll to North Huvadhoo Atoll
North Huvadhoo Atoll to Mulaku Atoll
Mulaku Atoll to South Maalhosmadulu Atoll
South Maalhosmadulu Atoll to Ihavandhippolhu Atoll
Mexico – West Coast, Golfo de California