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England – West Coast, River Severn – Avonmouth to Sharpness and Hock Cliff
Admiralty Chart 166 Alger to Genova and Tunis
International Chart Series, Netherlands, Approaches to Westerschelde
England – West Coast, Hartland Point to Ilfracombe including Lundy
North and North-East Approaches to Mits’iwa
Korea South Coast Busan New Port
Malaysia Sarawak, Kuala Paloh to Batang Rajang
Swansea Bay
Malaysia Sarawak, Approaches to Batang Rajang
Sfax and Sousse with Approaches
Malaysia Sarawak, Batang Rajang, Tanjung Delima to Sibu
Plans on the Coast of Somerset and Devon
Admiralty Chart 160 Saint Abb’s Head to the Farne Islands
Istanbul Bogazi Kuzeyi (Northern Bosporus)
Red Sea, Berenice to Masamirit
Istanbul Bogazi Guneyi (Southern Bosporus)
Red Sea, Suez (As Suways) to Berenice
Pasaia (Pasajes) and approaches
Red Sea, Masamirit to Bab el Mandeb
Spain – North Coast, Gijon
Approaches to Falmouth
Golfe and Port de Fos
Trevose Head to Hartland Point
England – East Coast, Farne Islands to the River Tyne
Approaches to Gijon
Approaches to Marseille
Moray Firth
Bristol Channel Nash Point to Sand Point