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Cap aux Oies to Sault-au-Cochon
Canada, Quebec, St. Lawrence River, Sault-au-Cochon to Quebec
Saint Lawrence River, Port de Quebec
Canada, Quebec Fleuve St. Lawrence River, a/to Donnacona
Canada, Quebec, St. Lawrence River, Donnacona a/to Batiscan
Canada, Quebec, Fleuve St. Lawrence River, Batiscan au/to Lac Saint-Pierre
Canada – Quebec, Fleuve St. Lawrence River, Lac Saint-Pierre
Canada, Quebec, St. Lawrence River, Sorel-Tracy a/to Varennes
Chart 4792 Quebec St. Lawrence River Port de Montreal
Montreal to/a Lake/Lac Ontario
Canada, General Chart, Great Lakes
Quebec – Riviere Saguenay/ Saguenay River, Saint Fulgence a/to Saguenay
Mexican Border to Dixon Entrance
United States and Mexico
Hawaiian Islands to the Aleutian Trench
San Francisco and Vancouver Island to Mendocino Fracture Zone
San Francisco to Hawaii
Hawaii to the Clipperton Fracture Zone
North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands
Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass
Mexico to Ecuador
Bering Sea Southern Part
Bering Sea Northern Part
Ross Sea
Dronning Maud Land
Weddell Sea
Southern Ocean – Approaches to the Antarctic Peninsula
United States – West Coast – California, Port Hueneme and Approaches