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Outer Silver Pit
Punta Stilo to Brindisi
England – East Coast, River Thames, Sea Reach
Mediterranean Sea, Spain – East Coast, Barcelona
Aegean Sea
England – East Coast, Thames Estuary
Ra’s at Tin to Iskenderun
South Wales, Barry and Cardiff Roads with Approaches
Bristol Channel
Italy – West Coast, Ports in the Gulf of Genoa
Severn Estuary Steep Holm to Avonmouth
Cap Bon to Ra’s At Tin
Valletta Harbours
British Isles, Approaches to the Bristol Channel
Mediterranean Sea, Ports in Algeria
France – West Coast, Port de Bayonne and Approaches including L’Adour
Fife Ness to St Abb’s Head
Approaches to Bilbao
Southern Approaches to Mits’iwa
Spain – North Coast, Puertos de Bermeo and Mundaca
Italy – Isole Eolie
France and Spain, Baie de Fontarabie or Rada de Higuer and Saint-Jean-de-Luz
Approaches to Porthcawl
Harbours on the North Coast of Cornwall
Anchorages on the Coast of Eritrea
Bristol Channel Worms Head to Watchet
International Chart Series – Mediterranean Sea, Genova to Sicilian Channel and Stretto di Messina