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North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands to Minami – Tori Shima
Mys Lopatka to the Chinook Trough
New Zealand including Norfolk and Campbell Island
Tasman Sea
Tasman and Coral Seas Australia to Northern New Zealandand Fiji
Australia North Coast and Adjacent Waters
Coral and Solomon Seas and Adjacent Seas
New Zealand to Fiji and Samao Islands
Tonga to Archipel des Tuamotu
Southeast Polynesia
Guayaquil to Valparaiso
South Pacific Ocean – West Coast of South America Valparaiso to Islas Diego Ramirez
Admiralty Chart 461 Bahamas Ocean Cay
Pacific-Antarctic Rise to Southeast Pacific Basin
Southwest Pacific Basin to Pacific-Antarctic Rise
Chatham Islands to Pacific-Antarctic Rise
Chatham Islands to Ile Rapa
Ile Rapa to Pacific-Antarctic Rise
Isla de Pascua and East Pacific Rise
Isla de Pascua to Chile Rise
Tuvalu to Palmyra Island
Ile Clipperton to Archipielago de Colon
Iles Marquises to Clipperton Fracture Zone
Admiralty Islands to Solomon Islands
Santa Cruz Islands to Butaritari
Tuvalu to Butaritari
International Chart Series, Pacific Ocean, Phoenix Group to Howland
Samoa Islands to Northern Cook Islands and Tokelau