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Philippine Islands, Ungay Point to Cauit Point
Chart 1391 Ghana Port of Tema
Philippine Islands and Indonesia Lambajan Point to Basilan
Philippine Islands and Indonesia, Siargao Island to Sarangani Island
Philippine Islands, Luzon – North Coast, cape Bojeador to Calayan Island
Philippine Islands, Luzon – North Coast, Daluprir Island to Batan Island
Philippine Islands – sulu Archipelago, jolo Island to Basilan Island
Philippine Islands – Sulu Archipelago, Pangutaran Group to Tapul Group including Jolo island
Philippine Islands – Sulu Archipelago, Pangutaran Group to Tawitawi Group
Philippines and Malaysia, Sibutu Group to Pearl Bank
Philippines and Malaysia, Cagayan Sulu to Normanby Bank
Philippine Islands, Palawan, North Balabac Strait
Philippines and Malaysia, Balabac Strait
Malaysia and Philippines, Great Danger Bank to Cagayan Sulu
Philippine Islands – Mindanao, Zamboanga to Flecha Point
Philippine Islands – Mindanao, Flecha Point to Tuna Point
Philippine Islands – Mindanao, Tuna Point to Saragani Bay
Philippine Islands, Mindanao, Sarangani Bay to Calian Point
International Chart Series, Antarctica – Graham Land, Pendleton Strait and Grandidier Channel
Basilan Strait including Basilan Island and the Pilas Group
Philippine Islands, Mindanao, North West Coast, Lanboyan Point to Initao Point
Initao Point To Butuan Bay
Southern Part of Tanon Strait and Cebu Strait to Bohol Sea
Southern Approaches to Canigao Channel and Surigao Strait
Surigao Strait and Dinagat Sound
Leyte Gulf and Approaches
Camotes Sea
Samar Sea and Eastern part of Visayan Sea