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Venezuela – Trinidad Approaches to Trinidad and the Rio Orinoco
West Indies – Windward Islands, Saint Lucia to Grenada and Barbados
Nisos Naxos to Vrakhoi Kaloyeroi
International Chart Series, England East Coast, Approaches to the Humber Traffic Separation Scheme.
Nisos Ios to Vrakhonisidha Kandhelioussa
Nisis Falkonera to Nisos Ios
South China Sea, Hainan Dao Eastwards
Steno Sifnou to Steno Kafirea
Aegean Sea – Greece, Akra Yerakas to Nisos Kea
Greece – South Coast, South-West Entrance Channels to the Aegean Sea
Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Pacific Ocean Coast, Isle del Cano to Cabo Santa Elena
Central America – Pacific Ocean Coast, Cabo Santa Elena to Champerico
Italy – West Coast, Gioia Tauro
Italy, Approaches to Stretto di Messina
Marmara Denizi, Southern Approaches to Istanbul Bogazi (The Bosporus)
Turkey, Ports in Marmara Denizi
Chart 1005 Marmara Adasi to Istanbul Bogazi (The Bosporus)
Chart DE151 Approaches to Sassnitz and River Peene
Canakkale Bogazi (The Dardanelles) to Marmara Adasi
Senegal, Dakar Port and Roadstead
Admiralty Chart 1188 River Humber Spurn Head to Immingham
Entrance to the Adriatic Sea including Nisos Kerkira
Chart 31 South Coast Harbours on the South Coast of Cornwall
Senegal, Approaches to Dakar, Baie de Goree
Admiralty NP47 Sailing Direction Mediterranean Pilot Vol 3