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Vanuatu to Norfolk Island
Fiji to Kermadec Islands Including Tongatapu
International Chart Series, Pacific Ocean, Palmyra Island to Starbuck Island
Malden Island to Iles De La Societe
Tahiti to Iles Marquises
Mururoa to Ducie Island
De L`Archipel Des Tuamotu Aux Iles Australes
Southern Cook Islands to Iles de la Societe and Iles Australes
Australia – West Coast
Australia- South Coast
Adele Island to Dampier inc. adjacent waters
Australia – North West Coast, Java to North West Cape
Hawaiian Islands to the Aleutian Trench
San Francisco and Vancouver Island to Mendocino Fracture Zone
San Francisco to Hawaii
Hawaii to the Clipperton Fracture Zone
North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands
Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass
Bering Sea Southern Part
Bering Sea Northern Part
Ross Sea
Dronning Maud Land
Weddell Sea
United States – West Coast – California, San Diego to Long Beach including Cortes Bank
United States – West Coast – California, Santa Barbara Channel
West Coast ? California, Point Conception to Point Piedras Blancas
West Coast, California, Cape San Martin to Santa Cruz
San Francisco to Point Ar