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Chile, Golfo de Arauco to Bahia Corral
Chile, Golfo de Arauco to Cabo Carranza
Chile, Approaches to Bahia Concepcion and Bahia San Vicente
Chile, Ports in Bahia Concepcion
Chile, Bahia San Vicente
Chile, Bahia Corral to Isla Guafo
Cile, Isla Guafo to Golfo de Penas
Chile, Golfo de Penas to Golfo Trinidad
Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes to Canal Trinidad
Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, Paso Tortuoso and Canal Jeronimo
Chile – Estrecho de Magallanes Paso Ingles
Paso del Mar to Istotes Evangelistas
Paso Torturoso to Paso Del Mar
Paso del Hambre to Paso Torturoso
Paso Nuevo to Paso Del Hambre
Chile, Canal Chacao
Chile, Eastern Entrance to Canal Chacao to Seno Reloncavi
Chile, Seno Reloncavi
Chile, Golfo de Ancud
Sibuyan Sea to Ticao Pass
Western Portion of Japan
Eastern Portion of Japan
Northern Portion of Japan
Sea of Okhotsk
North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands to Minami – Tori Shima
Mys Lopatka to the Chinook Trough
New Zealand including Norfolk and Campbell Island
Tasman Sea