December Newsletter
Welcome to our December Newsletter
Ships Captain Medical Guide, 24th Edition
The Ship Captain’s Medical Guide is intended primarily for use on vessels where there is no medical professional, such as a doctor, on board. It provides assistance and direction for crew members
when it becomes necessary for them to assess and treat trauma and medical illness. Ships and fishing vessels which carry Category A or Category B stores are required also to carry a copy of the guide.
This new guide, the 24th edition, continues to keep pace with the rapid changes in best-practice medicine, medical technology and global communications. It also provides reference for medical
training courses, and a framework for crew members within which to think, when faced with unfamiliar medical problems at sea.
It contains:
• flow charts to aid evaluation and treatment
• incorporation of ‘red flags’ to aid identification of potentially
life-threatening conditions
• clear, authoritative advice and easy-to-follow guidance
• step-by-step illustrations to explain emergency procedures
• cross-references to further detail
• anatomical illustrations
What’s New in the 24th Edition The 24th edition includes the following updates:
• revised spinal immobilisation section
• updates to antibiotics guide
• new content on Covid and infectious diseases
• updates to the emergency algorithms
• new lighter, flexi-bound format using 100% recycled material
RRP £60.00
Mediterranean Almanac 2025-26
This new edition of this comprehensive guide to sailing the Isles of Scilly has been thoroughly updated and completely rewritten by RYA Offshore Yacht master David Hackett.
This Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation guide is a must for anyone planning an extended visit to this beautiful archipelago on the edge of the Atlantic.
RRP £37.50
2120 North Sea Nieuwpoort to Den Helder Chart Pack
Part of Imray’s popular small format chart coverage for the Netherlands, this atlas is a convenient A2 format.
It includes all of the navigational charts and tidal data required for coastal passage and approach, plus a larger-format passage planning sheet for plotting routes across the North Sea.
Now includes all VTS reporting points found in these waters.
RRP £37.50