Admiralty Publications Check List

Admiralty Publication List A check list of the latest titles of Admiralty Publications and edition dates along with any new editions due to be released and their pricing up to date as of Week 11/25

February Newsletter

!NEWS! Welcome to our February Newsletter NEW EDITIONS JUST PUBLISHED Mediterranean Almanac 2025-26 This new edition of this comprehensive guide to sailing the Isles of Scilly has been thoroughly updated and completely rewritten by RYA Offshore Yacht master David Hackett.  This Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation guide is a must for anyone planning an extended visit to this … Read more

Admiralty Leisure Folios Are Changing

The UKHO intend to remove the folio structure for small craft paper charts and instead, sell them as single sheets delivered through our Print-on-Demand (POD) service. This change will provide several benefits to the vessel and end user including: The ability to purchase only those charts that will be used, instead of being required to … Read more

February Newsletter

Welcome to our February Newsletter Christmas is almost a distant memory and the January blues have blown into the abisque and the weekend shaping up to be a stormy one. So batten down the hatches and why not browse the site taking advantage of our weekend offers.  This weekend only we are offering an additional … Read more

September Newsletter

This months newsletter detailing new releases along with upcoming new editions is available to view here

Standard Delivery for Christmas

Well it’s now one week until the big day and our elves are busy preparing all your orders to ensure delivery in time for Christmas. A courtesy reminder that the last day to guarantee delivery before Christmas via “Standard Delivery” is Wednesday 19th December.  Our elves do require that all orders are submitted by 2pm.  Alternatively, … Read more

Website Feedback

Now that the site is up and running we would like to get your feedback on how well our site works for users.  This will assist us in further development and ensuring that the site continues moving forward in the right direction. We would very much appreciate your feedback and if you could spare a … Read more