August Newsletter


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Reeds Nautical Almanac 2025

Reeds Nautical Almanac is the indispensable trusted annual compendium of navigational data for yachtsmen and motorboaters.

Known as the Yachtsman’s Bible, Reeds provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the whole of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, Northern Morocco, the Azores and Madeira.

The 2025 Almanac continues the tradition of year on year improvement and meticulous presentation of all the data required for safe navigation. Now with an improved layout for easier reference and with over 45,000 annual changes, it is regarded as the bible of almanacs for anyone going to sea.

The 2025 edition is updated throughout and includes: 700 harbour chartlets; tide tables and tidal streams; buoyage and lights; 7,500 waypoints; invaluable passage notes; distance tables; radio, weather and safety information; first aid section. Also: a free Marina Guide.

RRP £54.99

Reeds Nautical Almanac 2025 – Loose Leaf Edition (inc Binder)

The Reeds Looseleaf Almanac provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, and the western European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, including the Azores and Madeira.

This is a versatile system that combines almanac and pilotage information in a convenient looseleaf form. This unique format, bound inside a durable binder which stays open on the chart table, lets the user tailor the Almanac to their needs by personalising the contents supplied with whatever information they may want to add or take out. Information is quick and easy to access, whilst allowing the navigator to refresh it with the annual update pack.

Includes 700 harbour chartlets, harbour facilities, tide tables and streams, 7,500 waypoints, international codes and flags, weather, distance tables, passage advice, area planning charts, rules of the road, radio information, communications, safety, mayday and distress procedures, and documentation and customs. The 2025 edition is updated throughout, containing over 45,000 changes, and includes a free Reeds Marina Guide.

RRP £55.00

Reeds Nautical Channel Almanac 2025

The Reeds Channel Almanac contains essential navigation and pilotage information covering the south coast of England from the Scilly Isles to Dover, the Channel Islands and northern France from Calais to L’Aberildut.

Completely updated for 2025, topics include seamanship, pilotage, tide tables, safety procedures, navigation tips, radio, lights, waypoints, weather forecast information, communications, Mayday and distress procedures – in fact everything the cruising yachtsman needs to know. The large type size and clear layout, including full colour harbour plans and diagrams throughout, makes information easy to read even in adverse conditions. This handy volume is ideal for anyone cruising the length of the English Channel.

Includes a free Reeds Marina Guide

RRP £40.99

Reeds Nautical Eastern Almanac 2025

The Reeds Eastern Almanac is the complete guide for North Sea mariners, offering ready access to essential navigation information covering the UK east coast from Ramsgate to Cape Wrath including the Shetland and Orkney Islands, and from Niewport to Delfzjil and Helgoland.

Completely updated for 2025, topics include seamanship, pilotage, tide tables, safety procedures, navigation tips, radio, lights, waypoints, weather forecast information around UK and European waters, communications, Mayday and distress procedures. The large type and clear layout, including full colour harbour plans and diagrams throughout, makes information easy to read even in adverse conditions. This handy volume is ideal for anyone cruising the North Sea.

Includes a free Reeds Marina Guide.

RRP £40.99

Reeds Nautical Western Almanac 2025

The Reeds Western Almanac covers the British coastline from Cape Wrath to Padstow as well as the whole of Ireland, providing navigation and pilotage information for the coasts of Wales, Western Scotland, Ireland and Western England.

Completely updated for 2025, it offers ready access to essential navigation information by virtue of its clear layout and user friendly format. Topics include seamanship, pilotage, tide tables, safety procedures, navigation tips, radio, lights, waypoints, weather forecast information, communications, Mayday and distress procedures. The large type size and clear layout, including full colour harbour plans and diagrams throughout, makes information easy to read even in adverse conditions. It is the complete guide for both Irish and Welsh mariners as well as those cruising the UK west coast.

Includes a free Reeds Marina Guide.

RRP £40.99

Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac 2025

In a practical handy format the Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac, published in association with Practical Boat Owner, covers all of the UK and Ireland, as well as the North Atlantic coastline from Denmark to the Gironde.

The Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac may be more compact and concise than the Reeds Nautical Almanac but it contains a wealth of indispensable navigational data specially tailored for small craft sailors, presented in an easy-to-find, quick-reference manner for on-board use.

Streamlined to focus on tidal data (tide tables, tidal streams and tidal curves), the Small Craft Almanac is meticulously researched and includes a huge amount of information of value to small craft navigators: as well as tidal data it includes secondary port differences; 2,500+ waypoints; radio data; light recognition; weather information; principal lights; IALA buoyage; international codes and flags; sun/moon rise/set times, and emergency information.

Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac represents excellent value for money for those who don’t need the more comprehensive marina data, passage information and chartlets of the full Reeds Almanac.

RRP £22.00

Reeds Astro Navigation Tables 2025

This is the established book of annual astro-navigation tables compiled specifically for the needs of boaters.

This superbly compact almanac and sight reduction tables contains all the information the ocean-going sailor needs in order to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets, using tables devised by practical ocean navigators. This book, together with a sextant, enables sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of the sight of land.

The book continues to feature the well-received additions of the past few years, including forms to help determine True Altitude (for the sun, stars and planets), Calculated Altitude (using the versine formula) and Azimuth (using the ABC Tables), as well as a pro forma for calculating Intercept. These tables, along with clear and easy to use star ID charts, mean you can resolve any calculation you’re ever going to need. There is also an introductory section on practising ashore, with helpful worked examples as an aide memoire. With 8 extra pages and an improved layout, there is plenty of space for making notes and calculations.

Being so easy to use, Reeds tables encourage active navigation and a better understanding by sailors of where they have been and where to go next – rewarding in itself and essential in the event of GPS failure.

RRP £27.00

Due To Be Published

Isles of Scilly, 7th Edition

This new edition of this comprehensive guide to sailing the Isles of Scilly has been thoroughly updated and completely rewritten by RYA Offshore Yachtmaster David Hackett. 

This Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation guide is a must for anyone planning an extended visit to this beautiful archipelago on the edge of the Atlantic.

RRP £34.50