Admiralty Leisure Folios Are Changing
The UKHO intend to remove the folio structure for small craft paper charts and instead, sell them as single sheets delivered through our Print-on-Demand (POD) service. This change will provide several benefits to the vessel and end user including: The ability to purchase only those charts that will be used, instead of being required to purchase the full folio. New editions of small craft charts will be aligned with the new editions of Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs’) ensuring small craft users have access to the latest navigational information as soon as possible. Newly purchased charts will include all correction updates to the latest refresh of the chart images. The small craft charts will continue to include the SNC number that they are derived from, allowing our standard Notices to Mariners (NMs) to be applied. This change will result in the withdrawal of the Admiralty Leisure Chart Folios as they currently stand, and the Leisure Notice to Mariners (LNMs) that support them. The UKHO are looking to make this change early/ mid September 2021. These small craft charts will be available at an RRP of £15.00 per chart, with discounts available for multiple charts purchased in one order. Further information will be provided once made available.If you have any queries regarding this please contact us via either email sales@southbankmarine.com or call us on 01472 361137. The full list of current folios and the charts contained within each one, can be located from The UKHO’s website https://www.admiralty.co.uk/charts/leisure-charts NW Europe Standard Nautical Charts and Leisure Products Catalogue NP109 https://www.admiralty.co.uk/AdmiraltyDownloadMedia/ADMIRALTY%20Leisure%20Charts/NP109-2020.pdf |