Admiralty Charts & Publications| Imray Charts| Nautical Books| Flags
Gift Vouchers

An ideal present for the budding sailor.


We are now able to offer gift vouchers which can be used for online purchases.

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Who Are We?

South Bank Marine are a well-established Admiralty Chart Agent and Digital Distributor, stocking a worldwide coverage of BA Charts and Publications in both Electronic and Paper format. We can also provide weekly Notices to Mariners (NTMs) and Chart Correction Tracings, Flags, Safety Signs and Navigational Instruments...


We have the ability to print in-house Admiralty charts which are temporarily out of stock ensuring strict despatch deadlines and customer orders are fulfilled.

We are also able to offer charts in an unfolded state for the purpose of framing them.

Print on Demand
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Commercial Shipping

South Bank Marine are an authorised Admiralty, C-MAP, IMO, ITU and Navionics Distributor. However, stock numerous products from various publishers.

We provide navigation data and services for commercial marine customers including tugs and workboats. We offer Chart & Publication Outfit Management, Chart Correction Service, Weekly Supply of Notice to Mariner & Tracings, Weekly Supply of Loose leaf updates for Admiralty publications, auto update of C-Map cartridges and responsive supply for e-NP updates.


Admiralty Charts & Publications

South Bank Marine supply Admiralty Charts & Publications in paper and electronic format. Paper Imray Charts. Electronic Navioncs and CMAP Charts and offer an updating service. Various national and code of flags, chart updating instruments, safety signs and posters